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This may be random thoughts, but I feel the need to write tonight.

I've cried a lot lately. The war that continues in Ukraine. The war in Israel. The pain I know that many are facing around me. Emotional. Physical. Death.

Holidays make it even harder.

A friend and I have been texting tonight. She is facing crazy draining circumstances. Another friend and I were texting last week and she is facing questions and trying to keep peace. Another friend faced weather related damage a couple weeks ago.

Tears... I've cried for it all.

Friends, we live in difficult times. Tears are okay. The Creator loves you and loves you when you have tears too!

It's time we let the tears fall. Love those around you. Take care of them as you can. But, it's okay to let the tears fall.

And - you have to take care of YOU. The balance is hard. If YOU are not healthy, you won't be healthy for others. If YOU are exhausted and worn down, you won't be able to love on others.

I struggle during the holidays. That I will be completely honest about.

So, this holiday season, I'm thankful I celebrated Chanukah with my children. I will walk out this weekend with my girls and do my best to rest in Him.

I might cry. I might laugh. I will be thankful that in HIM I live, breathe and have my being. I will give thanks that HE is my strength when I am weak.

Love and blessings,



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