Learning to lower expectations and say, "let them" (a Mel Robbins concept) is not easy. And yet, it is something we all need to learn to do.

Relationship with God
My relationship with God is mine... and if I face anxiety that is between me and Him. Thankful for Psalm 23.

Lack of respect for others and thinking you are "better than" or entitled are situations that anger me.

Life is becoming less fair. And that hurts. I want to make things fair and I can't. Learning to let go...

Tug of War
The stress and tension are real. My shoulders and body feel it. I'm trying to learn how to let it go... The tug of war is not easy. When...

Look Up!
There is so much spinning around in my head that I want to write about! This phrase was brought to my attention this week and I keep...

If you have anxiety because of things that have happened in your life you can probably relate. If you don't understand anxiety, and the...

This probably won't be long because I have to get to work... And yet the title could allow me to keep writing and keep asking the...

How did we get to September already? How did August just fly by? Life was so crazy in August that one week I didn't get on my computer at...

The book of Proverbs is amazing... I love taking time to read through it. One a day for a month. Start over and read it again. The wisdom...