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Miriam was a Prophetess...

Our family was reading our Daily Torah Portion today and read the song that the Hebrew Children sang as they came out of Egypt and watched the Egyptian army drown in the Red Sea. They gave God glory and thanks for taking care of them and preserving them.

As we were reading Exodus 15:20-21 stuck out to me:

Also Miryam the prophet, sister of Aharon, took a tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines, dancing, as Miryam sang to them:

“Sing to Adonai, for he is highly exalted!

The horse and its rider he threw in the sea!” (CJB)

The very first phrase, “Miryam the prophet…” is what caused me to stop a little. This is the first time we see a woman given a title. We know that Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, even Eve and Noah’s wife, all have a place in the Bible and had contributions to history. However, Miriam was given the title of a prophetess.

She led the women, so she was a leader. She had a role to play in the leadership of the Hebrew children.

I want to challenge you today to think about your role. What does God want you to do in your community? What does God want you to do in your family?

God has a role that He wants us to use. He wants us to be a leader. Don’t shy away from what He has called you to do. Don’t shy away from His calling on your life.

Love and blessings,


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