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You are a Leader!

Today’s verse came from something I read a couple weeks ago. I have been pondering on it since. With Chanukah thrown in last week, and focusing on verses about light, this one got pushed aside a little.

It is from the small book of Micah 6:4

I brought you up from the land of Egypt.

I redeemed you from a life of slavery.

I sent Moshe, Aharon

and Miryam to lead you. (CJB)

This may seem like an odd verse for me to choose, but I have a reason.

First, it is a reminder that God has brought us out of our own personal Egypt and out of a life of slavery. We all have been a slave to sin and caught in bondage. We have all had our own experiences in a place where we feel lost and alone (how the Hebrews felt in Egypt).

God spoke to the prophet, Micah, and had him remind the people that HE brought them out of those places of frustration and heartache. HE redeemed them and replanted them in a place HE promised them.

However, it is the second part of this verse that I want to look at.

Tucked away in this book it says, “I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to LEAD you.”

Three people. Two men and one WOMAN!

Each with their own calling. Each with their own way of leading the people. Each unique in their giftings.

Moses didn’t think he could speak, so God gave him Aaron.

Aaron had a few issues of his own, which is why he needed his brother.

It is not clear Miriam’s role, because to be honest, it doesn’t really tell much about her, except it does give us a song that she sang as they came out of Egypt.

However, in this verse, it is clear that God considered Miriam a LEADER!

Women, you DO have a role to play in the world. You DO have a place as a leader. Do not lose heart that you are not valued or recognized. God has a place for you.

Keep listening and seeking. Keep using your gifts and talents for HIS glory. HE will bless you for it. I’m sure Miriam did not always know how she was viewed. We now have the connect. This team of three siblings was used by God to bring HIS people into a new place.

YOU are valued as much as they are. Let HIM use YOU!

I also want you to stop and think about who your leaders are? Who are you following? Are you listening to the voice of God and letting Him put leaders in your life?

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