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Stay united with Me...

Our family read through the tiny book, “Secrets of the Vine” about a month ago. Today when the verse from John showed up…

John 15:5

“I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who stay united with me, and I with them, are the ones who bear much fruit; because apart from me you can’t do a thing. (CJB)

Today I had to stop and think about WHO is in control. WHO am I listening too? WHO do I depend on?

The next question is... WHO do YOU want to stay united with? We all know that WHO we focus on will be who we are united with. If we BELIEVE that God is the VINE and we are connected to Him, than we will find our purpose.

Jesus clearly told the disciples that “apart from Me, you can’t do a thing!” Imagine that. Not able to do a THING! NOTHING!

It makes me want to stay connected to Him. It makes me want to LEARN, READ, LISTEN and anything else I can to be united with Him. I want to find a way to bring Him glory.

He is the ONE who will bring fruit. It is not my work, but HIS through me. When I bear fruit, it reflects back on Him.

Today, STOP and remember that without Him YOU are nothing. HE LOVES you and is taking care of you. Just TRUST that HE has a plan for you, a plan to bear fruit.

Love and blessings,


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