Leave you with peace...
Peace. We all long for it. It is something so many people would like to find.
John 14:27
“What I am leaving with you is shalom — I am giving you my shalom. I don’t give the way the world gives. Don’t let yourselves be upset or frightened. (CJB)
Jesus makes it clear that HE brings peace. What does it mean when He says, “I don’t give the way the world gives?”
The world desires peace externally. The world wants no wars. The world wants no conflict. The world wants everyone to “love” each other.
Throughout the Bible we read that yes, God does want us to love each other, but the Word also tells us that there will be wars, dissension and strife. We do our best to love through it, but we will face tough times.
So where does peace come from? INSIDE of us. HIS peace comes from within. In the middle of the crap. In the middle of the pain. In the middle of the junk - we DON’T need to be upset. We don’t need to be afraid.
It is time for us to stop looking outside and around us. It is time for us to DIG DEEP inside and focus on HIM. He clearly said that when He leaves there will be a comforter. That person is the Holy Spirit. HE is there to bring us peace.
Claim these words today. They are words straight from the Father. They are HIS promise to YOU. HE can bring shalom…
Love and blessings,
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