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Healing from the Inside

Matthew 8:14-17

14 Yeshua went to Kefa’s home and there saw Kefa’s mother-in-law sick in bed with a fever. 15 He touched her hand, the fever left her, and she got up and began helping him.

16 When evening came, many people held in the power of demons were brought to him. He expelled the spirits with a word and healed all who were ill. 17 This was done to fulfill what had been spoken through the prophet Yesha‘yahu (Isaiah),

“He himself took our weaknesses and bore our diseases”

The words from verse 17 are from Isaiah 53:4:

In fact, it was our diseases he bore,

our pains from which he suffered;

yet we regarded him as punished,

stricken and afflicted by God.

Did you know that in some Jewish circles chapter 53 of Isaiah is missing? Or, it is skipped over and not allowed to be read? I do not say this to be mean to the Jews. I love them with all my heart. However, some of them are blinded to the Truth that is given to them and they stop others from seeing it as well.

To be honest, the same thing happens in "Christian" circles. I believe that teachers and leaders do not want to understand the hidden things of the Word, and therefore they deny and withhold information from those around them. We are missing pieces by not understanding our Hebraic Roots.

Where does our healing come from? Digging DEEP and believing DEEPLY the TRUTH in the Word of God. It is when we SEEK HIM wholeheartedly that we find the answers and peace only HE can bring. We must stop drinking only the milk. We must be willing to think deep and believe deep.

The people who followed Jesus did so because they HUNGERED and thirsted for righteousness. They desired LIFE and LIFE to the fullest. It didn't mean their life was perfect, it just meant they wanted to have peace in the storm. I have often said that we look for physical healing, and I believe that stills happens. However, we need to believe for inner healing.

Let Jesus heal you today from the inside out. Let Him remove anything unclean. BELIEVE that He will. Be willing to turn from the junk inside. Run to Him and find the LIVING WATER that only He can provide. LET GO of the stuff that so easily entangles you and be set free!

Love and blessings,


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