This probably won't be long because I have to get to work...
And yet the title could allow me to keep writing and keep asking the question!
My "WHY? this morning is, "Why do we find it so hard to admit when we are wrong?"
I've tried to teach my kids to say, "I was wrong" or at least say, "I realize what I did hurt you and let's find a way to make it better."
We have become a culture that doesn't want to admit that we may have reacted out of emotions. Or, maybe we are jealous and why would we want to admit that? Sometimes we just make stupid choices and it upsets someone else... In any circumstance, we should admit we are wrong!
I'm done with the "I'm entitled" mentality and "I didn't do that" attitude that many carry. We are ALL on a journey with emotions and hurts. Stop making negative comments to others for carrying emotions differently than you do. People with empathy are being told to "suck it up and be stronger" and that hurts them worse. Having emotions is okay!!! Feeling the emotions of others and caring deeply is okay! Even having anger is okay - when it is used wisely!
Rambling words from a mom who is exhausted from believing the world really could be a better place if we learned to admit our wrongs and actually be KIND to one another.
Love and blessings,
