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Chanukah Patience

Once again I give credit to Restored Ministries as I wrote this for them in 2019. I pray it blesses you as we walk through these days of miracles.

Chanukah Patience…

On the third night of Chanukah the “Love” candle lights Joy, than Peace and now PATIENCE…

The word patience usually stirs up lots of emotions in people. Most parents are constantly telling their young children, “just be patient.” As adults we struggle when things don’t happen right away and we often get impatient. As a society, we constantly want something and want it instantly. As a society, we often supply things pretty instantly as well.

Today, as I sat down to type this, I struggled with patience myself. Interesting that God always places things in our lives and has ways of forcing us to think about our actions. Once again we need to look at what the Word of God says and ask Him what HE wants us to learn.

Proverbs 15:18

Hot-tempered people stir up strife,

but patient people quiet quarrels. (CJB)

Psalm 37:7

Be still before Adonai;

wait patiently till he comes.

Don’t be upset by those whose way

succeeds because of their wicked plans. (CJB)

There are not too many Bible verses in the Old Testament that use the word patience. These two are clear that patience is a virtue God wants us to have. If “hot-tempered people stir up strife,” that would obviously be something we should get rid of. We should not answer with a temper. We should be patient and quiet a quarrel.

David teaches us in the Psalm that we must “wait patiently” until Adonai returns. I know that you can read this clearly for yourself, but really stop and reflect on those words today… What does that mean? My initial response is that it means not to complain about what is happening currently in my life.

It says, “Don’t be upset if others succeed in wicked plans.” I admit, I struggle with this. It is hard to watch when people who are not trusting God have plans that move forward and the plans you believe God has given you seem to be stalemate.

As I reflected on this verse, and the fact that the word patience is not in the Old Testament too often, Holy Spirit reminded me of all the people in the Old Testament who had to wait. He brought to my mind all the people that had terrible things happen to them, and because they did not stop trusting, things came to pass later. All of these people had to have PATIENCE!

We can all name these people… Joseph, Job, David, Hannah, Ruth, Daniel etc… the list is LONG. People in history, that we can reflect on, that should encourage us to BELIEVE that PATIENCE is a virtue we should have!

The New Testament has many verses about patience… Here are a few that are common ones, but great reminders, as we reflect on how Adonai wants us to act.

Ephesians 4:2

Always be humble, gentle and patient, bearing with one another in love, (CJB)

Romans 12:12

Rejoice in your hope, be patient in your troubles, and continue steadfastly in prayer. (CJB)

James 5:8

You too, be patient; keep up your courage; for the Lord’s return is near. (CJB)

I admit to being very scattered in my thoughts tonight as I write this. I know that the thoughts I write here today are not profound or new. My prayer is, that as you reflect on the word “patience,” you TRUST and BELIEVE that God has GOOD THINGS in store for you. That as you READ His Word, CLAIM IT as TRUTH for your life, and continue in FAITH with ALL that He asks you to do, that your PATIENCE will be rewarded.

As we continue to move towards Chanukah, reflect on being a LIGHT for Him by showing PATIENCE to those around you. When you face difficult situations and circumstances, STOP and reflect on ALL He has done for you. Find a way to be PATIENT in the midst of it and let HIM handle it all.

Matthew 5:16

In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they may see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven. (CJB)

May you find a way to be “patient in your troubles." May you “keep up your courage.” May you “rejoice in your hope” and pray. Always be humble. Be gentle. THESE virtues will help you have PATIENCE!

Love and blessings,


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