With God ALL things are possible...
Today I chose the first verse our children learned as they began to speak. Matthew 19:26
Yeshua looked at them and said, “Humanly, this is impossible; but with God everything is possible.” (CJB)
So often we give up. We think that something will not happen. Or we think that it will happen in one way and not another… We have our plan and it doesn’t work.
The promise in this verse is quite clear - WITH GOD ALL things are possible.
When I did my FB live video I used different intonations to stress different words.
WITH GOD all things are possible.
With God ALL things are possible.
With God all things are POSSIBLE.
So many different ways to think about this. Do you believe WITH GOD? Do you believe ALL things? Do you believe something is POSSIBLE?
A simple verse, but powerful. Memorize this one. CLAIM it and SPEAK it out loud.
Humanly, in your mind and flesh things are not possible.
BUT, with GOD EVERYTHING is possible.
Love and blessings,
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