Let the Word Guide...
Matthew 17:9-13 9 As they came down the mountain, Yeshua ordered them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen until the Son of Man has...

Asking for a "word..."
Matthew 16:1-4 Then some P’rushim (Pharisees) and Tz’dukim (Sadducees) came to trap Yeshua by asking him to show them a miraculous sign...

Trust in Adonai FOREVER!
TRUST! This word is found often in the Bible. Here is another verse which shows us WHY we should trust. Isaiah 26:4 Trust in Adonai...

Every WORD of God is Pure...
I decided to break up the words that Paul wrote with a Proverb. This verse has encouragement and HOPE as we continue through our week....

On ground that is level...
Today I was not sure what verse to do yet, but this verse showed up on my YouVersion Bible App as the verse of the day. I love when HE...

Set them (YOU) apart as HOLY...
Friends… I want you to know today that God set YOU apart. Several weeks ago I read from a prayer that Jesus prayed before he died. John...

The Word in all its RICHNESS...
Today is a Sunday, but no matter the day of the week, the verse today should encourage us to GIVE THANKS! Colossians 3:16 let the Word of...

HOPE in His WORD...
So many times during the day we stop and wonder what God is doing. We ask Him why someone isn’t healed. We ask Him why the money isn’t...

Keep safe the great treasure...
Last night our family watch the movie “Paul, An Apostle of Christ.” Surprisingly, I was impressed with the movie. It seemed to portray an...

A LIGHT on my Path...
I realized this afternoon when I was preparing for my next FB live that I never wrote my follow up blog for yesterday! The verse I chose...