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The fear of Adonai...

Today our family read from Proverbs. Chapter 9 has secrets to find wisdom.

Proverbs 9:10

The fear of Adonai is the beginning of wisdom,

and knowledge of holy ones is understanding. (CJB)

Most of us would like to have wisdom. We know that the Word also tells us in James that if we lack wisdom we can ask God, Who gives generously to all…

Wisdom, according to this verse, comes with the FEAR of Adonai. Our hope is in gaining knowledge of HIM. We gain understanding the closer we are to our Creator.

The Passion Translation puts it this way:

The starting point for acquiring wisdom

is to be consumed with awe as you worship Jehovah-God.

To receive the revelation of the Holy One,

you must come to the one who has living-understanding. (TPT)

We must stand in AWE of Jehovah. HE is the One with LIVING-UNDERSTANDING. If we ASK we RECEIVE. Revelation comes from the One Who created us.

BE CONSUMED! Let it flow through you! When we stop and FEAR - we find wisdom and LIFE.

As we continue to walk through life, these are WORDS that will help us through. These are words that will bring the wisdom that we need to sort through ALL that life brings.

Love and blessings,


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