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Seek Adonai... you might be HIDDEN!

A small book, yet another filled with promises and TRUTH. Today the verse is from Zephaniah.

Zephaniah 2:3

Seek Adonai, all you humble in the land,

you who exercise his justice;

seek righteousness, seek humility —

you might be hidden

on the day of Adonai’s anger. (CJB)

Hidden in a book not read very often, this verse teaches us humility. This prophet was once again warning the people that they needed to SEEK GOD. So many were turning away from what Adonai truly wanted them to do.

Exercise justice… we often think this is about “living the laws.” No, God gave INSTRUCTIONS to the Hebrew people so they could have an abundant life in the middle of the desert. He taught them to isolate people with diseases so they wouldn’t spread throughout the camp. He taught them to perform a circumcision on the 8th day because that is when the blood would clot. He taught them not to eat unclean animals because the meat was not healthy for them. So yes, some people might call them laws, but they were really instructions for LIFE.

By exercising justice and following HIS Words, they were seeking righteousness and humility.

The next line is a little surprising because we often think that if we follow God’s leading that we will be taken care of. And yes, God’s protection is there. However, this verse says, “you MIGHT be hidden.”

I have always said that I am safest where God wants me. If I am truly SEEKING Him, than wherever HE sends me I will be taken care of. When we first went to Israel, I KNEW He wanted us there. He had told me that my need would be supplied in a “sun-scorched” land and HE took care of us. It wasn’t always easy, but He was there.

Take time to LISTEN to His instructions. SEEK Him. TRUST Him. When the day comes that HE chooses to unleash His anger, you WILL be hidden exactly where HE wants you to be. He might choose to “hide you” in plain sight. He might tuck you in a corner. He might say you are hidden with Him. All I believe is, you are safest when you SEEK Him.

Love and blessings,


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