Happy is the person who does this...
Shabbat! Another Friday down! Time to focus on God and family. Time to REST!
Isaiah 56:2
Happy is the person who does this,
anyone who grasps it firmly,
who keeps Shabbat and does not profane it,
and keeps himself from doing any evil. (CJB)
HAPPY! We all enjoy finding happiness. This verse bring a new meaning to what can bring happiness.
What does it mean to celebrate and “keep” Shabbat? To be honest, it is different things for different people. Some, in my opinion, take it too far and it becomes so legalistic that it is difficult to enjoy it! They are more concerned about what they “can’t do,” than what they SHOULD do.
God simply said to, “REST.” He ceased from His work. However, Jesus (who never broke the Torah instructions) told His disciples to pick grain so they could eat. Jesus made it clear that LIFE was more important than man’s laws.
There are teachings that can be done on this, but I don’t want to go there. I want us to focus on the fact that IF we take the time to LISTEN to HIM on Shabbat, we will find happiness. IF we take the TIME to be with family on Shabbat, we can find happiness. IF we CHOOSE to REST and do things we enjoy, we can find happiness.
Choose HIS instructions today of REST and TIME doing the things HE wants you to do.
Shabbat Shalom,
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