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Shabbat is a delight...

It is Friday again and time for Shabbat!

Cleaning has been done. We just finished dinner with all the blessings - wife, children, bread, wine - and giving THANKS. Now, because it has been colder this week, we are snuggled in blankets watching a movie.

I was reminded of a verse today about Shabbat being a delight. We know a song that Barry and Batya Segal sing based on the verse. It is Isaiah 58:13

“If you hold back your foot on Shabbat

from pursuing your own interests on my holy day;

if you call Shabbat a delight,

Adonai’s holy day, worth honoring;

then honor it by not doing your usual things

or pursuing your interests or speaking about them. (CJB)

Shabbat is to be honored by not doing “your usual things.” Like I have said in other posts about Shabbat, it is a time for family, friends, reading the Word and worshipping God.

Shabbat is supposed to be a delight. Take time to stop today, or pick a day… Make it YOUR time with HIM. He will take DELIGHT in you.

Love and blessings,


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