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I will sing of YOUR strength...

As our family reads through the Psalms, often there are verses that stick out to me. This morning it was Psalm 59:17

But as for me, I will sing of your strength;

in the morning I will sing aloud of your grace.

For you are my fortress,

a refuge when I am in trouble.

The fact that we can sing and find refuge when in trouble, that is comforting.

What needs to happen, however, is: I will sing of YOUR strength. Too often we focus on songs that are about getting us out of the pit. Yes, He is there to do that and we need those reminders at times, but we need to sing of HIS attributes.

We need to sing of HIS grace and remind ourselves of HIS love.

He alone is our fortress and refuge.

Singing can change our countenance when things get tough. Singing can change our outlook.

Take time to focus on HIM. Take time to think of God’s attributes.

Let HIM be your fortress in time of need.

Love and blessings,


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