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Which gives freedom...

Today I started by looking up the word, “endurance.” I found some verses. Some I have already used. Then this one from James popped up, and even though it does not have the word I searched in it, this one does need to be understood.

James 1:25

But if a person looks closely into the perfect Torah, which gives freedom, and continues, becoming not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work it requires, then he will be blessed in what he does. (CJB)

The book of James is an encouraging book. So many words that build a person up, if they choose to follow the teachings. This verse is no different.

A person is challenged to “look closely into the PERFECT Torah.” These words are often not heard. Most versions say, “perfect law.” I prefer to use the word Torah because it encompasses so much more than the word law. Torah is ALL of the teachings from Genesis to Deuteronomy. So many stories and truths that have nothing to do with what is considered the “law,” but have strong teachings we need to LISTEN to and follow.

If we look at the FREEDOM that one can have when he/she chooses to CONTINUE to follow the teachings, than that person will be BLESSED.

A person who willingly says he/she wants to DO the work required and not just HEAR the Words, will be BLESSED in what he does.

One way we can choose to endure the race that is set before us, is to CONTINUE following in FREEDOM the Torah set before us. We cannot rely on works, but will WANT to do the work required because we KNOW there will be blessings when we do.

I would say this encourages me to keep on running. When I look closely at the PERFECT Torah and obey, I will be blessed. What more of a promise do I need?

Love and blessings,


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