Listen and Obey
Proverbs 5:1-14
My son, pay attention to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding; 2 so that you will preserve discretion and your lips keep watch over knowledge.
3 For the lips of a woman who is a stranger drop honey, her mouth is smoother than oil; 4 but in the end she is as bitter as wormwood, sharp as a double-edged sword. 5 Her feet go down to death, her steps lead straight to Sh’ol; 6 she doesn’t walk the level path of life — her course wanders all over, but she doesn’t know it. 7 So now, children, listen to me; don’t turn away from what I am saying: 8 distance your way from her, stay far from the door of her house; 9 so that you won’t give your vigor to others and your years to someone who is cruel, 10 so strangers won’t be filled with your strength and what you worked for go to a foreign house. 11 Then, when your flesh and bones have shrunk, at the end of your life, you would moan, 12 “How I hated discipline! My whole being despised reproof, 13 I ignored what my teachers said, I didn’t listen to my instructors. 14 I took part in almost every kind of evil, and the whole community knew it.”
This is a long set of verses, but they really needed to be kept together! To break them apart did not make sense. So, let me highlight a few lines that "stuck out to me." It doesn't mean you won't see something else. Holy Spirit may reveal another portion to you. This is just what I saw as I read them.
she doesn’t walk the level path of life — her course wanders all over, but she doesn’t know it.
don’t turn away from what I am saying:
distance your way from her, stay far from the door of her house; so that you won’t give your vigor to others and your years to someone who is cruel, so strangers won’t be filled with your strength and what you worked for go to a foreign house.
A stranger... it is true that we must be careful as we meet people. We must use discretion and wisdom to know how to respond when we meet others. Some people are really good at "dropping honey" and "talking sweet" and then as time goes on you recognize that there is bitterness in their spirit. That is the person who is wandering all over and doesn't know it. Those are the people you must watch carefully. The Wisdom given to us says to, "distance your way from her."
The last three verses show us how it is easy to get caught in snares and traps.
“How I hated discipline! My whole being despised reproof,
I ignored what my teachers said, I didn’t listen to my instructors. I took part in almost every kind of evil, and the whole community knew it.”
When we hate discipline, we won't learn. When we don't acknowledge that our Father wants to IMPROVE our lives through discipline, we miss out on blessings and peace. Ignoring our teachers causes us to:
give our vigor to others
strengthen strangers
work for a foreign house.
I don't want to give my blessings to evil! I want to share it with those who desire to follow Him!
God's desire for us is verses 1 and 2:
My son, pay attention to my wisdom; incline your ear to my understanding; so that you will preserve discretion and your lips keep watch over knowledge.
When we "incline our ear" we will have discretion and knowledge. All we have to do is, "pay attention to wisdom."
Once again we see that it is the simple act of listening and obeying (in other words, not turning away). It is the act of being doers and not just hearers. God loves us no matter what, but He desires for us to WALK in His ways and be obedient! I am thankful for His grace and mercy, but I still WANT to preserve His discretion and be His love to those around me. This happens through obedience to His Words!
Stop and reflect today, friends, on how much listening and obeying you are doing. Don't get caught up with strangers and "sweet words."
Love and blessings,
Women Empowerment based on Torah and the Bible
