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Do YOU Know???

I had a couple people tell me that they were struggling a little today. I think many during this time of year grow tired and weary. January, February and even March can be dreary and tiring at times. Today’s verse is a well known one, but always one that strengthens and encourages me.

Isaiah 40:28

Haven’t you known, haven’t you heard

that the everlasting God, Adonai,

the Creator of the ends of the earth,

does not grow tired or weary?

His understanding cannot be fathomed. (CJB)

Do YOU know? Have YOU heard?

YOUR Creator, the Father Who LOVES YOU, does NOT grow tired or weary.


Don’t try to understand Him. You will not be able to figure Him out.

Just HOLD ON to the PROMISE that HE does not grow tired or weary. HE will ALWAYS be there for YOU.

I will ask you again, “Do you KNOW?” “Have you HEARD?”

Now you can answer, “YES!”

Claim this promise today. Let HIS strength carry you through.

Love and blessings,


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